Janice L. Hancharick has been a key player for our 4-County Landowner Group. As the original group leader she set the building blocks for this group and has continued to help expand the group as a CX-Energy Channel Partner. She has submitted this letter to members of the 4-County group:
Current Happenings Affecting Us All
Beginning a newsletter is the hardest part. There are so many positive up-dates that affect us directly or indirectly, putting them in order is difficult.
Our on-going growth reflects the effect our business/educational meetings pertaining to “all things Marcellus” have had on audiences and word-of-mouth information shared. Also many landowners who have expired or soon-to-be expired leases came on board signing a 4-County contract (not the same as a lease!), realizing a better way exists to benefit from sub-surface resources. Addressed in earlier writings and at meetings is the ongoing need for members to keep neighbors informed, with the hope they won’t sign or renew an ill-conceived lease that overlooks modern safeguards for our environment — regardless of the money offered.
Major interest in joining 4-County spiked with the news our group has reached marketing status in size and contiguous acreage … enough for a its formal debut @ the North American Prospect Exposition (N.A.P.E.) in Houston, TX next month. (FEB. 5th – 8th). We are on the map! CX-Energy’s team of pros will be presenting our package to global players.
January 15th news hit the press of UGI making a deal with Tenaska to build new pipeline (gathering lines) across Potter and Tioga counties. $65 million being spent in Potter, $25 million in Tioga. These will go on to connect elsewhere, because product must get to market. Dry gas is pipeline ready. Wet gas needs a cracker plant to separate components. They are being built. Keep reading.
Last week NYC Mayor Bloomberg stated that using fuel oil will not be an option for city dwellers by 2015 … state law. He is encouraging natural gas development because the need is there!
While NY hasn’t made up its mind about high-volume Marcellus fracking,(deadline close!) vertical low-volume frack development is available. Companies know this.
Kroll, a major Bond Rating entity, adjusted its January 2012 report to reflect the significant impact natural gas is having on local and state governments’ credit ratings across the Marcellus region. In areas where fracking is happening, those ratings are going up! Involved governments are seeing a boost in economic recovery that isn’t coming from “being on the dole”.
Putting these facts together 4-County members (and all who are reading this!) can be heartened by what this means for our region. No magic wand made this happen. A team effort all the way that continues to allow us to grow.
This is the bottom line !
Janice L. Hancharick
CX-Energy Channel Partner
jlhanch@nc.rr.com 919.876.2917